This movie has no known affiliation to anyone with allegations of sexual misconduct against them.
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and we'll fix it as soon as possibleERA stands for Equal Rights Amendment. It’s a constitutional amendment that guarantees equality, justice, and respect for all people under the law. The ERA lays the foundation for an end to gender-based discrimination, equal justice for victims of rape and domestic violence and equal pay for equal work, in the entertainment industry and beyond.
All signs point to Virginia being the 38th state to ratify the ERA, making them the final state needed for three-fourths ratification and a Constitutional amendment. In 1972, a deadline for ratification was set that has since passed. However, Congress has the ability to lift this deadline and legislation to do so has been drafted. With a bipartisan resolution well on its way in the House of Representatives (H.J. Res 79), a companion resolution has been introduced in the Senate.
You can help advance the ERA by encouraging your senators to sign on to S.J. Res. 6. Simply input your information below and a letter will be emailed to your senators on your behalf. (SEE THE FULL TEXT OF THE LETTER)
Want to know more about the fight to ratify the ERA? Visit to learn more.